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Welcome to Christ’s By Grace

welcome to Christ's By Grace

Welcome to Christ’s by Grace, my home on the web. If you walked into my physical home, you would notice a couple of things. First, it is furnished in what might be called Late Century Consignment Store. Second, there are lots of books. We have fiction and non-fiction, books from every age, for every age.

But the book that we consult daily — and have for many years — is the Bible. It is not like any other book. The Bible, alone, is a must read. It enables us to take the information from all those other books and contextualize it for service in God’s kingdom.

So, in welcoming you to Christ’s by Grace, I want to make it clear that the Bible is the source from which its content flows. Like the consignment store furnishings in my home, the posts may borrow from memories, old and new. However, my primary aim is that the Scriptures would bring clarity, joy, and comfort as they unfold the amazing truths of the gospel. “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Cor. 1:18).

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Three Healthy Christian Habits

The hardest part of developing good habits is breaking bad ones. Bad habits are like styrofoam pellets, they attach themselves easily, but are hard to shake loose. However, in the spiritual realm, the Christian develops godly habits not merely under his own willpower, but foundationally by the willpower of God. Keenly aware of this, Paul…

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The Unthinkable

Jeremiah is probably not the portion of the Bible most think of when anticipating the Christmas season. It is filled with pronouncements of condemnation and judgment against a nation that had abandoned God and violated His covenant with them. At one point, God tells the people their religious worship departed so far from what he…

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