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Contemporary Issues

Applying biblical truth to issues of our day


Three Simple Words

In the early centuries, three simple words meant the difference between life and death; yet, Christians clung to another three words and gained eternal life.

sugar and a salt shaker

The Problem with Tolerance

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Aiming for mere human exceptionalism is a sure path to spiritual floundering (Matt. 5:20). A case in point is the call for tolerance. Tolerance, though a singular virtue in secular society, is destructive to the power and purity of the church. The root meaning of tolerance is enduring pain. It implies no change or progress. It is live and let live. You do your thing, and I will do mine. The problem with tolerance is it settles for mediocrity and… Read More »The Problem with Tolerance

World's Greatest Dad

Papas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowards

In our day, a collective fear grips society and few have the courage to expose the nakedness of baseless, narcissistic claims foisted upon us by powerful self-serving institutions. Do we expect our children to speak up and rescue us? Fathers, how can we expose our kids on the front lines as we flee the field of battle. If we don’t want our children to grow up to be cowards, we must courageously lead them by speaking God’s truth in love.

Self-cancelation Culture

Can you name the hymn sung at a memorial service for George Floyd, the funeral for congressman and civil rights leader John Lewis, and the inauguration of President Joe Biden? I’ll give you a hint. The song was written by a former slave ship captain. At a time when our culture is quick to cancel Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln, why honor John Newton by singing his signature hymn? That popular and widely sung hymn begins, “Amazing grace how sweet the… Read More »Self-cancelation Culture

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving in the Pandemic

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The COVID-19 pandemic has not only infected people but conversations and interactions as well. It has even clouded the discussion of Thanksgiving. Some see the holiday as a threat to public safety while others see it as an opportunity to exert their rights. As we approach Thanksgiving in the pandemic, we should call to mind that first celebratory feast. It was not merely a milestone but a cornerstone for a Christian community. The Deadly Venture According to the records kept… Read More »Thanksgiving in the Pandemic

World's Greatest Dad

Confessions of the World’s Greatest Dad

In 2006, I was designated the world’s greatest Dad. I have the Father’s Day card to prove it. I have also received an official World’s Greatest Dad ball cap. The hat has not survived; however, I have preserved that Father’s Day card along with many other tributes paid by my daughters. Now as they are adults and I am a grandfather, I think it is high time that I make some confessions.  Six Eyes Let me say in my defense right off… Read More »Confessions of the World’s Greatest Dad

peace from trust in God

Peace in the Pandemic

The Rock of Gibraltar is the logo for Prudential Financial. That rock icon is meant to instill confidence that your investments are safe with them. The prophet Isaiah employs the same imagery to cultivate peace in those who trust God. It is a peace available today in the midst of pandemic. You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock. (Isaiah 26:3-4)  Panic… Read More »Peace in the Pandemic

Uncovering Choice

Exploring Choice from a Christian Perspective

I have less interest in watching the Golden Globe Awards than I do in watching paint dry. Were it not for the podcast The Briefing by Albert Mohler, I would not have a clue who Michelle Williams is or what she said recently at that event. However, having read her speech, I recognize its value in demonstrating the great worldview divide between Christianity and our increasingly secular culture. Her thoughts on choice are a prime example. Choice: the Illusion of Autonomy One… Read More »Exploring Choice from a Christian Perspective

R-rated Christianity

Therefore do not become partners with them; for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in… Read More »R-rated Christianity