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Spiritual Exercise through Scripture Memorization

What do you think of when you see a treadmill? Physical fitness? A heathy lifestyle? Sweat? I think, Oh, look! There’s a garage sale. You may detect a bit of cynicism. Blame it on deceptive advertising. The attractive and impressive models that grace the box on exercise equipment with their finely sculpted bodies have never come within 100 feet of a potato chip. They torture themselves for a living. They promise us non-olympians the “thrill of victory.” Nope! It’s “the… Read More »Spiritual Exercise through Scripture Memorization

The Problem with Actors

“The church is full of hypocrites.” You may have heard that criticism from someone. Upon hearing this charge, a friend of mine would often respond, “There is always room for one more.” We all have been guilty of saying one thing and doing another. That does not excuse our hypocrisy. However, the greater threat to the church is the problem with actors. Who Are You Calling a Hypocrite? Calling out religious people for the sin of hypocrisy is not a… Read More »The Problem with Actors