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Theological posts


The Sinners’ Prayers

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Have you prayed the sinner’s prayer? That phrase is associated with becoming a Christian. Yet, can we legitimately designate any prayer as the sinner’s prayer? And is no prayer, after conversion, a sinner’s prayer? The Bible is full of sinners who prayed. In many cases, an irrepressible awareness of sin, made all the worse by a recognition of God’s holiness, prompted those prayers. We call this confession, and it is an essential fruit of true repentance. In this fallen world,… Read More »The Sinners’ Prayers

Christmas ornament

The Unthinkable

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Jeremiah is probably not the portion of the Bible most think of when anticipating the Christmas season. It is filled with pronouncements of condemnation and judgment against a nation that had abandoned God and violated His covenant with them. At one point, God tells the people their religious worship departed so far from what he had commanded that it had not even entered His mind (Jer. 7:31). They had done what was to God unthinkable. In their desire to secure… Read More »The Unthinkable

Misdirected Attention

Misdirected Attention

Fifteen seconds of fame. That’s the siren song of the media. Nevertheless, pursuing it often results in looping ten-second sound bites of infamy. It highlights the misunderstanding that can result when the context of our words is left on someone’s cutting room floor. However, in the case of Habakkuk, a truncated quote has led to misdirected attention. Habakkuk’s Strength Recently, while studying that prophetic book, I recognized an oft-quoted passage: Though the fig tree should not blossom,nor fruit be on… Read More »Misdirected Attention


The Paradox of Peace

Peace officers carry guns. As a child of the sixties, that still strikes me as ironic. The word peace conjures up images of flowers, certainly not guns. Nevertheless, having survived the sixties and the decades since, I am convinced that arming the police with flowers instead of guns would be disastrous. The paradox of peace is we must fight for peace. Fighting Words This is a contentious day when disagreeing with someone could get us ‘canceled.’ We are accused of… Read More »The Paradox of Peace

sand castle

The Problem with Dreams

Human aspiration to greatness and glory is one evidence of the image of God imprinted on our hearts. History tells the story of this universal pursuit of glory. When the gospel informs and directs this pursuit, it generally results in human flourishing. However, a secular, self-absorbed society can seduce us with its own kind of great commission: “Follow your dreams.” The problem with dreams is they can loosen our grip on kingdom reality. Over the Rainbow The entertainment industry bombards… Read More »The Problem with Dreams

The Lamb of God and Mystery Bridegroom

Do you keep mementos? I have boxes of cards and letters from my wife and children. In addition, I have items around the house that are expressions of love directed toward me. The apostle John, who referred to himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20), filled his gospel with mementos of Jesus’ life and teaching. In an era without cameras, John penned a slide show filled with deeply meaningful pictures of Jesus Christ the… Read More »The Lamb of God and Mystery Bridegroom

Christmas ornament

Pa Rumpa Humbug!

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One of my least favorite Christmas songs is Little Drummer Boy. We do not play it in my house. For many people, saying that puts me in company with Ebenezer Scrooge and the Grinch. To make matters worse, I am not a big fan of Santa, Rudolph, or Frosty the Snowman either. However, I find it particularly disturbing that some little kid with a drum can waltz up to the Bethlehem manger and steal the spotlight from God incarnate. It… Read More »Pa Rumpa Humbug!


Praying Like the Apple of God’s Eye

Do you like a good mystery? Often mysteries involve a crime scene, a victim, maybe even a dead body. However, others are less messy. We encounter phrases sometimes that leave us scratching our head and wondering, Where did that come from? When we want to describe someone as most dear to us, we say, “They are the apple of my eye.” What a mysterious expression! In solving that mystery we may learn something about God, the Christian, and prayer.  Apple of my… Read More »Praying Like the Apple of God’s Eye

celebrating God's glory

Celebrating God’s Glory

Our society is big on self-promotion. We see it not only in sports, entertainment, and the corporate ladder, but also on the factory floor, the cafeteria, and social media. Even those who shun the attention of others still may conceal a laser-like focus on themselves. All this glory seeking for ourselves robs us of the joy we were intended to experience. We will know ultimate joy and fulfillment when we are celebrating God’s glory with all our being. Glory Defined… Read More »Celebrating God’s Glory

A child's responsive prayer

If I Should Die Before I Wake

Next to a chainsaw, the most dangerous tool you could find in my hand is a rhyming dictionary. The good news is I have not touched a chainsaw for months. The bad news is I recently dusted off New Rhyming Dictionary and Poetry Handbook. My subject is prayer so maybe, with much prayer, I can do more good than harm. A Child’s Prayer Writing Back To God made me reflect on the people and events God used in preserving my… Read More »If I Should Die Before I Wake