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Uncovering Choice

Exploring Choice from a Christian Perspective

I have less interest in watching the Golden Globe Awards than I do in watching paint dry. Were it not for the podcast The Briefing by Albert Mohler, I would not have a clue who Michelle Williams is or what she said recently at that event. However, having read her speech, I recognize its value in demonstrating the great worldview divide between Christianity and our increasingly secular culture. Her thoughts on choice are a prime example. Choice: the Illusion of Autonomy One… Read More »Exploring Choice from a Christian Perspective

Fighting the Fear Monster – Part 1

Could it be a conspiracy? Are manufacturers of energy drinks funneling a cut from their profits to the publishers of academic textbooks and certain unscrupulous professors. Driven to drink these caffeine-laced concoctions by the looming disaster of a final exam over material in a coma-inducing textbook, the unwary college student falls victim to a trap. It is a vicious trap – lack of study will keep you awake, while studying will put you to sleep. In a bizarre twist on… Read More »Fighting the Fear Monster – Part 1