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Longing for Righteousness

As a child, I struggled to finish my dinner. Not that I was given too much food, I just disliked one or more of the items on my plate. Often my mom would remind me of the starving child in Africa who would love to have my food. Fortunately, international adoptions were not common back then, else I might have foolishly suggested we procure one. That would not have gone over well. The problem was not an inefficient allocation of… Read More »Longing for Righteousness

sand castle

The Problem with Dreams

Human aspiration to greatness and glory is one evidence of the image of God imprinted on our hearts. History tells the story of this universal pursuit of glory. When the gospel informs and directs this pursuit, it generally results in human flourishing. However, a secular, self-absorbed society can seduce us with its own kind of great commission: “Follow your dreams.” The problem with dreams is they can loosen our grip on kingdom reality. Over the Rainbow The entertainment industry bombards… Read More »The Problem with Dreams

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Psalm 14: The Folly of Atheism

For woodworking projects, I try to select lumber that is straight and square. Sometime I can spot a board that is cupped or twisted. Other times a slightly skewed piece may look fine to the naked eye. Comparing one board with another does not help. I must utilize a straightedge and a square that perfectly conforms to the standard I am trying to meet. In Psalm 14, David laments the depravity of those who ignore God — they are so… Read More »Psalm 14: The Folly of Atheism

Psalm 13: From Anguish to Joy

In Psalm 13, David poetically traverses the pathway of faith from the depths of his soul’s anguish to the heights of great joy and hope in his God.

resurrection mindset

A Resurrection Mindset

I don’t have a bucket list — a list of things I want to do or accomplish before I die. Though not necessarily wrong, it would not be helpful to me. First, I might be disturbed to know how many are eager to help me complete it. Second (and more significant), it might become a short-sighted distraction. God wants me to live with a resurrection mindset.  If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ… Read More »A Resurrection Mindset

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Night Vision: Hope in Dark Times

Raccoons! They are the scourge of campgrounds. They even look like bandits. Vicious and destructive, they prowl at night, rummaging in any container they can get their hands into. Psalm 10 is a cry of distress over the vicious destructiveness of a godless society. Yet, it has a message of hope in the midst of dark times and is a fitting prayer for our day. A Dark Providence When evil abounds, knowledge of God’s holiness and justice prompts the believer to… Read More »Night Vision: Hope in Dark Times

big picture prayers

Big Picture Prayers

My wife is not a squeaky wheel. She is not constantly complaining or demanding my attention. The saying goes, “the squeaky wheel get the grease.” We tend to spend our time and energy on what causes us the most annoyance. Though a natural tendency, it is unwise and shortsighted — not to mention bad husbanding. My wife still has needs that God wants me to provide. Similarly, our prayers can reflect the squeaky wheel pattern when we lose sight of the big… Read More »Big Picture Prayers

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Big Picture Worship

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My workshop has a scrap bin. Each new project adds to it and sometimes draws from it. Yet, inevitably it grows disproportionately larger than the project deserves when I fail to take into account the big picture. Nowhere is the big picture perspective more important than in worship. Determined Worship In Psalm 9, the psalmist begins enthusiastically with four “I will” statements:  I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart;I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.I will be glad… Read More »Big Picture Worship

At the End of My Rope Is a Knot

What do you do with a nerdy kid who daydreams of being a daring crime fighter or superhero? Send him to gym class — or PE as it is known today. Nothing could bring me down to earth more quickly — and literally — than trying to do a layup when I had not yet mastered the skill of walking and chewing gum at the same time. The only redeeming feature in the gymnasium was the row of climbing ropes.… Read More »At the End of My Rope Is a Knot