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The Sinners’ Prayers

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Have you prayed the sinner’s prayer? That phrase is associated with becoming a Christian. Yet, can we legitimately designate any prayer as the sinner’s prayer? And is no prayer, after conversion, a sinner’s prayer? The Bible is full of sinners who prayed. In many cases, an irrepressible awareness of sin, made all the worse by a recognition of God’s holiness, prompted those prayers. We call this confession, and it is an essential fruit of true repentance. In this fallen world,… Read More »The Sinners’ Prayers

Triumphant Meekness

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It is like the Rocky movies. Twelve rounds, winner take all, the arrogant, brutish slugger up against the over-matched but hopeful challenger. The first nine rounds are somewhat typical in that the amateur rival is getting the snot beat out of him by the champ, along with a good deal of blood. However, this match is different. The challenger does not even throw a punch. He is continually knocked down, gets back up, staggers but stays in the fight. Finally,… Read More »Triumphant Meekness

Poor in spirit

The Poverty Gospel

Let’s face it, the prosperity preachers have an appealing shtick: “God wants you to drive the best car, live in lavish luxury, and be independently wealthy.” Unsurprisingly, that message coincides very conveniently with my own innate self- indulgence, covetousness, and vanity. Nevertheless, the most formidable opponent of this prosperity gospel is the Bible. In the Beatitudes (Matt. 5:3-12), Jesus preached a contrary message. His gospel involves poverty, mourning, meekness, hunger, purity, peacemaking, and persecution. The primary characteristic of the blessed… Read More »The Poverty Gospel

Self-cancelation Culture

Can you name the hymn sung at a memorial service for George Floyd, the funeral for congressman and civil rights leader John Lewis, and the inauguration of President Joe Biden? I’ll give you a hint. The song was written by a former slave ship captain. At a time when our culture is quick to cancel Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln, why honor John Newton by singing his signature hymn? That popular and widely sung hymn begins, “Amazing grace how sweet the… Read More »Self-cancelation Culture

Asking for Directions

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The GPS has effectively killed a stereotype, virtually overnight. Some — primarily women — had claimed that men have a hard time asking for directions. I can neither confirm nor deny the truth of that accusation. However, with the proliferation of cellular technology, it has become a moot point. Now, every smartphone comes with driving directions. Interestingly, most navigation applications default to using a female voice. And, I might add, that voice never says, “Honey, why don’t you stop and… Read More »Asking for Directions