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Misdirected Attention

Misdirected Attention

Fifteen seconds of fame. That’s the siren song of the media. Nevertheless, pursuing it often results in looping ten-second sound bites of infamy. It highlights the misunderstanding that can result when the context of our words is left on someone’s cutting room floor. However, in the case of Habakkuk, a truncated quote has led to misdirected attention. Habakkuk’s Strength Recently, while studying that prophetic book, I recognized an oft-quoted passage: Though the fig tree should not blossom,nor fruit be on… Read More »Misdirected Attention


Three Simple Words

In the early centuries, three simple words meant the difference between life and death; yet, Christians clung to another three words and gained eternal life.

no retreat

No Retreat

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Winters in northern Indiana, though severe by Floridian standards, are mild enough to accommodate a wide selection of birds. I enjoy stocking feeders for these beautiful little creatures. But my, how skittish birds are! At the slightest hint of a possible predator, they scatter to find refuge in the nearest tree or bush. In Psalm 11, David draws on this imagery to tell us how a believer is not to act in the face of evil opposition. Rejecting Bad Advice In the… Read More »No Retreat